Exception thrown by net.n12n.exif.Ifd
methods in case the attribute was not found.attr
A sequence of bytes which may be converted to different types.
IFD defined by EXIF standard.
Exif segment.
Exif segment. An Exif segment contains at least one IFD (Image File Directory), the first IFD, called 0thIFD is mandatory all others are optional.
To see which attributes are defined in which IFD check the corresponding companion objects net.n12n.exif.TiffIfd, net.n12n.exif.ExifIfd and net.n12n.exif.GpsIfd.
Generic IFD attribute type.
IFD for GPS related data.
Marker trait for GPS IFD tags.
Marker trait for GPS IFD tags.
Image-File-Directory (IFD) structure.
Image-File-Directory (IFD) structure. An IFD is a container for net.n12n.exif.IfdAttributes.
Meta-data attributes, containing the actual data.
Meta-data attributes, containing the actual data. An IFD attribute is identified by a net.n12n.exif.Tag and a type, they contain either a single value of the given type or a sequence of values.
Read read JPEG meta-data.
Numeric value.
Numeric value. Tags of this type can be either short or integer.
value as long.
A segment is a byte sequence starting with a two byte marker, a two byte length field followed by data.
A segment is a byte sequence starting with a two byte marker, a two byte length field followed by data. The length is defined as the length of the data plus 2 bytes (the length field itself) but without the marker.
Create a marker tag.
IFD defined by TIFF standard.
IFD attribute types.
Simple command-line tool to view Exif segment content.
GPS IFD tags.
Read read JPEG meta-data.
Read read JPEG meta-data.
Example: List all attributes
JpegMetaData("image.jpg").exif.foreach(_.ifds.flatMap(_.attributes).foreach( attr => println(s"${attr.tag.name}: ${attr.value}")))
Numeric value.
Image orientation.
Simple types used in JPEG/EXIF.
Library to read EXIF meta-data.
Main entry point is net.n12n.exif.JpegMetaData and its companion object.
Basic structure of JPEG meta-data is:
There are three types of IFDs, net.n12n.exif.TiffIfd, net.n12n.exif.ExifIfd and net.n12n.exif.GpsIfd.